Friday, June 1, 2012

Day 2

Day 2:
1:30 AM on June 1st - 1:30 AM on June 2nd

The Day in Diapers:
Number of changes: 6
Status of diapers at change time: wet, wet, wet/messy, wet, wet, wet
Estimated cost for the day: $6.50
Kinds of diapers used: 3 Depends Maximum Protection, One Abena Abri-Form S2, Two Tranqulity ATNS

Before I went to bed last night, I spent some time in a Depends just to breathe a little bit before I strapped into an Abena for overnight. Like I did on the first day, I did the tapes on the Abena so that I could wake up still "pointing down" and it worked again. So it seems like I have solved that problem pretty definitively. For men who actually have no bladder control, that must be a serious problem.

The day itself was largely uneventful. My Tranquility ATNs came early, so that was a surprise. As I expected, they have much better odor control than the Abenas which is necessary for me when I try to get the most out of each diaper. The fit was a little tight, though, so I'm thinking I'll move up to a medium after I burn through the bag of smalls.

I had to wear some Depends because I was out with a friend for dinner tonight and both the Abenas and the Tranquilities are far too crinkly for me to move around in without someone noticing I have a diaper on. How do 24/7 people do it? Do all their friends know that they wear? I had to covertly change a Depends in the bathroom but, other than that, they worked fine for some little wettings.

When I got home, I changed right back into a fresh Tranquility ATN which I'm still in as I write this post. I feel like I'm starting to settle into a routine.

*I'm much more attuned now to my body's digestive processes. In the past, I haven't really paid much attention to when I go. Now I'm starting to notice the patterns namely, needing to mess about 1 hour after waking up. Sorry if that's too much information.

*It seems like I'll burn through about 6 diapers a day going 24/7. That would mean that a month of diapers would probably cost me around $200 all told. Finances might prevent me from going that long. It's staggering to think about that cost over years of my life. This must be why people do cloth diapers.

*At around 11 PM tonight, I had my first thought of giving up. I realize I'm only 2 days in but I just felt like throwing in the towel right then. If you're out there and you're reading this blog (and I know from my traffic reports that many of you are), then leave me a comment, question or note of encouragement. Right now, I'll be happy if I can make it to a week.

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